How many of you who scare of zombies? *put my hands up*
well, i also affraid of zombie apocalypse. (=_=) i just hate zombies. just
don’t like them. I think, dracula or vampire is sexy but zombie is a big NO!!
I watched many zombie movie, but i oftenly close my eyes when
the zombies started to attack the main characters (to make it clear, Human!) .
From all the zombie movies i ever watched, “warm bodies” is the best one. Why?
Because it contains a lot of funny things and it make me think that zombie is
not as scary as a thought (only on this movie, okay?!)
“warm bodies” is a story about a Corps name R who fell in
love with a Human name Julie. He love to eat human brain to keep him feel
alive. One day, R with his zombie bestfriend feel hungry and they decided to go
to the city with other zombies to find
some food (human). There he met julie, who gets an order to find some medicine with other teenagers
for other humans left.
R’s group attack Julie’s group. R is the one who eat Julie’s
boyfriend, Perry. But because R fell in love with Julie, he tried to protect
her and bring Julie to his basecamp and teach Julie to pretend like other corps
This is an unusuall zombies story! It’s funny to see zombies
talk, how they interact each other, seeing zombie fall in love, how they
protect human, and how zombies tried to being alive again XD
Anyway to you who has been watched this movie, do u realize
this film put some romeo and juliet
story as the ingredients ?? Well it’s obvious from the name of the main
character R and Julie.. R for Romeo and Julie for Juliet.. is this
coincidence?? And one of the scene was showing julie was talking with his
corps. Julie was on her balcony and R is standing on the ground. It’s so Romeo
and Juliet hahahah
However, this movie is a good one to watch, to you zombie
haters or lover. It’s not boring and i think something fresh for people who
like lovestory between ghost and human.
OH MAI NYA! Aku juga baru lihat ini filem, dan baru selesai 20 menit yang lalu XDDD Filemnya menarik, aku suka banget pas adegan si R bilang kalau dialah yang makan si Perry. Aku ampe nangis dan habisin tissue **emang tissuenya udah tinggal dikit sih lol**
ReplyDeleteTerharu banget gitu ya, gimana rasanya 2 orang **eh salah satunya zombie dink** dari 2 dunia yang berbeda jauh, dan pada akhirnya bisa saling mencintai T^T I need my lovely zombie too!!! **menembus malam mencari zombie**
iya kak, ini film yang diluar konteks cerita pada umumnya sih. biasanya kan manusia vampir, nah, kali ini manusia-zombie. kaya daging segar ajagt ya, walau ceritanya nggak berat tapiide ceritanya menarik, gak bikin mikir.XD
Deletewkwk tp lucu kakak nangis gitu.
aku nonton ini mah ketawa mlulu XD soalnya bener2 beyond believe banget wkwkw
adegan fav aku pas julie maucoba kabur, trus ngumpetdi bawah pesawat tp mereka dah dikepung zombie yg kayanya nyium darah manusia gt trus dia d tolongin R ddiajarin buat pura2 jadi mayat XD asli aku ngakak itu XDD mwahahaha
btw, Julie nya wajahnya kayak kristen stewart yak?
ho-oh, jarang kan ada manusia - zombie, biasa juga manusia - vampire dan itu bikin bosen banget apalagi sejak liatin twilight #diseplakfanstwilight XD
DeleteAku nangis lho! nangis! mewek sambil remes2 tissue, terus diliatin ama customer di warnet LOL sesuatu banget yak XD mumpung Farrel gak ada soalnya XDDD
eh btw, kau nanya di blogku kan Farrel ikutan nonton apa gak? Jawabannya gak ikutan, soalnya dia pergi ama emaknya XD dan lagi Farrel gak demen pilem ginian, dia bisa jejeritan gak jelas XDDD
Iya ya, pantesan rasa2nya kayak mirip siapa gitu, kayak si kristen itu, tapi rada beda dikit lah, kristen mukanya lebih feminim (??)
iya, twilight itu merusak keseksian vampire itu sendiri T^T aku suka cerita vampir. tapi kalau vampir bersinar entah kenapa itu luucuu XD *maaf fans twilight*
Deleteyaampun kak =_= itu kan memalukan XD tapi kl soal nonton nangis d depan publik itu menag gak bisaditahan sih malunya hahaha
haha XD farrel masih bocah banget sih yak XD
eem, dan si julie lebih poloooos hehew XD